Saturday, May 21, 2016

Recurring Trees

It is 5:40 in the morning and I should be sleeping.  But I cannot.  So I might as well be productive.  I love the way the early morning sun lights up my favorite tree (you know the one) and have often contemplated drawing it with charcoal in the early morning hours.  Since I could not find my charcoal sticks, I did the next best thing and grabbed the elegant writer.  The bluish-pink washes captures the essence of the early morning light, giving the tree an ethereal, and almost haunting glow.

                             Elegant writer on 6.9 X 9.8 on 110 lbs paper (PS)

                                              (click to em biggen')


  1. Replies
    1. Why thank you Cheryl! I wanted this to have an abstract, haunting look.
